A report on Wired features the latest smartphone to enter the market. Made by Lenovo, the Phab2 Pro is the first device to incorporate Google’s Tango technology.
The Phab2 Pro is a huge 6.4-inch Android device with a 2560 x 1440 screen. It runs on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 processor and 4GB of RAM, plus an internal storage of 64GB with options for expansion. It also comes with two SIM slots, 3 microphones, Dolby audio, an 8-megapixel front camera, and the 16-megapixel Tango array.
Lenovo hopes that through Google’s Tango, users will be able to utilize the Phab2 and its succeeding Tango-equipped devices for advanced navigation within stores as well as artistic and entertainment endeavours through VR and AR.
The Phab2 is just the beginning and Google is thinking up more ways of applying their all-seeing camera tech. Alfred Bayle